Monday, September 28, 2015

Centon 64GB SD Card

Centon 64GB SD Card

By : Walmart


About this item

Store your documents and data for effortless retrieval with the Centon 64GB SD Card. This is a memory device that makes it easy to upload data and keep it handy when you are on the go. The Centon SD card includes a microSD or SD adapter and provides 64GB of capacity.

Centon 64GB SD Card:

  • Capacity: 64GB SD card
  • Includes microSD or SD adapter

Customer reviews

meets all expectations 1/30/2015
Customer review by Kennerd

I use this between my Linux desktop tower and my Windows 7 laptop and have no issues whatsoever. It just works,. Read/write speeds seem faster than my other older SD cards, based on viewing videos on the cards.

Did the trick 7/6/2015
Customer review by FewerEights95

Needed it to back up our family pictures off of our computer's hard drive. This had the capacity I needed to do the trick.

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